The Year 2 Team

We have had a great Term 4. Our concert was a great success and both 2A and 2B did an amazing job. They worked so hard practising their acts and the result was astonishing. We are very proud of all students, as they all tried their best.

During this Term students worked at their very best in all areas. We encourage all students to continue to read over the holidays. You can never read enough!

The Year 2 classes began their swimming lessons at Kingswim where they enjoyed learning in a different setting. Great job everybody!

The athletics carnival was a great success for 2A and 2B students, where they enjoyed Tabloid Sports this year. They are all very excited to join the races for the first time in Year 3.

This year has been a fruitful and exciting one. We would like to thank all parents for all the support they have shown. Most importantly we would like to thank our ambitious students. We are proud to have taught such diligent students. We wish them all the best in future years and believe that they will all flourish.

We hope everyone has a well-deserved holiday!

‘The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.’ ― Dr. Seuss

Kind regards,
Ms Seren Sahin and Ms Nilsen Tran